Archive for the ‘Off-Topic’ Category

Purely Clear’s Owner Featured In Everything Knoxville Magazine

Kelly Riggs, owner of Purely Clear, was recently featured in Everything Knoxville Magazine.  We wanted to share that lovely article with our followers.

Purely Clear in Everything Knoxville

I was interviewed today by Mitch at Everything Knoxville Magazine. They are doing a story for their Mother’s Day issue in May on moms with five or more children and how they manage to handle the kids, job, activities, etc.

I have five children ages 24, 23, 21, 13 and 11. I also have four grandchildren ages four, a boy and girl each 20 months and a precious little six month old.

After the interview was over I began to think of all those things about my kids that made me smile and laugh like when Jonah was six years old and hit his first home run. I still remember it like it was yesterday, running to the dugout in slow motion. I was on pins and needles when Danielle won the spelling bee championship in fifth grade. Jacob blew me away when he shot a 69 in golf at the Tennessee State Championship in high school. Those are memories I will treasure forever.

Leah and Micah still live at home with me and Danny. We home school them, and Leah is a budding artist and Micah has a love and understanding for science that astounds me.

I wish I had written down more of those memories, but when the children were really young I didn’t get a shower every day let alone have time to write down those little things they said and did.

Life with a large family can be very chaotic and unpredictable at times, but that just comes with the territory. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed and defeated with all the responsibility. Sure, I’ve made lots of mistakes as a parent, and there are things I wish I had done differently; but at 47 I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. I don’t beat myself up if my house isn’t clean or the flower garden is full of weeds. When the day is done that’s not what really matters after all.

What I treasure now is when my older children call me to check in or want to grab lunch or dinner; or when my daughter-in-law calls to chat or ask a “what would you do” question.

Those crazy days of diapers and sleep deprivation may be gone, but they will always be my babies.

1st Annual Redneck Reindeer Games

The first annual Redneck Reindeer Games will take place in Knoxville on Thursday, December 18.  This is a progressive Redneck Olympics where at each stop you will receive fabulous door prizes.  T-shirts will also be available for sale and all proceeds will benefit Young-Williams Animal Center.  Opening and closing ceremonies will be held at Aubrey’s, 6005 Brookvale Lane. The evening begins at Aubrey’s at 6:00pm and is the first of five stops.

Twisted Scissors Salon, 4928 Homberg Drive, 588-2311, is stop three where you will receive a complimentary holiday makeover featuring Purely Clear Natural Mineral Makeup.  You will also be able to play the newly coined game “Pin the Mullet on the Redneck”.

Work your way back to Aubrey’s around 9:00pm for some live music and an eating contest.  Start a new holiday tradition this year and help Young-Williams Animal Center out at the same time.  Now really, who can resist such a fun filled holiday evening out?