DMAE – Natural Skin Care For Fine Lines and Wrinkles

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a precursor to acetylcholine.  Usually recognized for its association with brain health, acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter also involved in the skin where it is synthesized and has receptors.

When used orally and topically DMAE has shown to provide a variety of benefits.  DMAE can reduce wrinkles, eliminate liver spots, enhance brain functioning and provide powerful anti-inflammatory benefits.

DMAE is one of the ingredients used in the Purely Clear Intensive Repair and Wrinkle Serum.  It can provide some very quick and noticeable skin enhancing effects when applied topically, especially regarding fine lines and wrinkles.  It can also promote healthy skin and positive overall body benefits when used regularly.

5 Responses to “DMAE – Natural Skin Care For Fine Lines and Wrinkles”

  • i heard that topical vitamins like ascorbic acid and niacinamide are very good in preventing Wrinkles on the skin. salicylic peels acid peels and glycolic acid peels also helps in preventing wrinkles.

  • Wrinkles can be reduced by exfoliating regularly with alpha hydroxy acid peels. you also need to avoid sunlight which accelerates skin aging.

  • Glyolic acid peels do wonder in reducing the Wrinkles on the skin. It also helps if you take lots of fat soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and E.

  • admin says:

    Yes, vitamins A & E work wonders for the skin, and they are natural. Glycolic acid is used in industry for rust removal and degreasing. It is also used in the cosmetic industry as a skin exfoliator. I am particularly leery about anything I put on my face that is used to remove rust and grease from garage floors. It chemically burns off the top layer of skin. Sure, you might get a pleasant aesthetic appearance for a short period of time, after the sunburned look goes away, but what is it really doing to your skin, and body health as a whole, in the long-run?

    I did a little research and found some pretty scary warnings when handling glycolic acid. Those include warnings not to get it in the eyes, on skin or clothing. The personal protective equipment that is recommended when handling glycolic acid are chemical splash goggles, rubber gloves and a butyl rubber acid suit if there is a reasonable possibility for exposure. Yes, I would definitely consider it a “reasonable possibility for exposure” when someone is slapping that stuff on your face.

    I prefer to use natural products like our Purely Clear Intensive Repair and Wrinkle Serum which contains DMAE, which studies have shown can reduce wrinkles and fine lines in as little as 20 minutes after topical application.

  • admin says:

    I would only recommend exfoliation very rarely and with natural ingredients from your own kitchen. My favorites are lemon juice with some baking soda.

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