How Fresh Is Your Skin Care Line?

Would you prefer to eat food that is fresh or five years old?  Obviously, the fresher food would taste better and be healthier.  However, most commercial beauty care products are produced with chemical preservatives to allow for a potential store shelf life of three to five years without becoming rancid and bacteria ridden.  When those products are applied to the skin, the chemicals are immediately absorbed into the skin and blood where they can be stored in tissues and organs.  Not only do you often have a stale product, but a chemical laden one too.

The chemicals that are common in cosmetics manufactured in the US have been banned in many European countries such as Germany and Switzerland for decades due to their toxic health properties.  The common practice in European countries are the use of natural preservatives in cosmetic products resulting in a shorter shelf life.

This is also the practice of Purely Clear products.  Only natural, plant-based preservatives are used in our products.  Also, our products are produced in small quantities as orders are placed.  This means the Purely Clear product is only days old when you receive it instead of potentially several years old; and is also free of harmful chemicals.

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